Why Your Warehouse Forklifts Should Be Cleaned Regularly
Material handling equipment, like forklifts bought or rented from Independent Lift Truck Of Alaska, are known for being workhorses and doing tough jobs each and every day. This means that you probably expect for them to get a little greasy, dirty and dusty. However, you might not have thought about having your employees clean your warehouse forklifts on a regular basis. It might not seem to matter much, but doing so is worth your while. These are a few simple reasons why.
Spot Potential Problems More Easily
First and foremost, you should think about how keeping your forklifts clean will make it easier for you to spot potential problems. Not only can this help your forklifts last longer, but it can make them safer to use, too. By cleaning your forklifts, you'll be able to better see its moving parts so that you can check for wear and tear. You'll also be able to detect rust more easily so that you can do something about it before major corrosion takes place.
Avoid Damage to Property on the Premises
Another thing that you have to worry about when using dirty forklifts in your warehouse is accidentally damaging property. For example, if a dirty forklift rubs against a pallet filled with products that are waiting to be stocked on your store shelves or that are waiting to be sent out to customers, these items could be damaged. Keeping your forklifts clean will help prevent them from causing damage to other items in the area.
Improve Company Image
Even though you might know how hard your forklifts work and might not mind if they are dirty, you should think about how it could look to potential investors, business associates and clients. If you don't take the time to clean your forklifts and other warehouse material handling equipment, these people might wonder what else you might be slacking on. Keeping forklifts clean and in good repair, and preferably with a nice-looking paint job, can really make a difference in how your company is perceived by those who visit your warehouse.
As you can see, it's important to get on a cleaning schedule to clean your forklifts on a regular basis. How frequently you will want to do this will depend on exactly what they are used for and how dirty they get during the day, but overall, you'll want to prevent them from getting -- and staying -- too dirty for too long. Once you start keeping them cleaner, you'll be able to enjoy these benefits and more.